Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The nuts are in control

 If you are not for us, you are against us. There is a bit of a logical error here. There is a big space between for and against, including the do not cares, do not know about, the apathetic and ignorant, and those who have no sneakers in the race.. Raise a toast to Rodger Runningshoe. Slave Lake 1973


 So the US thinks those are unfair trade issues. This is magic fairy thinking, that the world was created for the US. The US is an idiot state, in the same thinking league as North Korea. We all have the world rights to do what we like in our countries while trump does his idiot thing about making america great again, but he is lording it over other nations which will not fly. Europe, and TTP group are all wild for trade. US loses once we start trading elsewhere. Something are just cheaper to produce here, just as some things are cheaper to produce elsewhere. If we wish to keep our industries, we need to protect them. US is entitled to do the same.

So perhaps we need to put on a "trump tax" on our lumber exported to the US. Increase the cost of lumber in the US, and watch the fire works. Keep the money in Canada.

So trump is just an another believer of  "fairies at the bottom of the garden" type person. How can a nation elect such a person, except in a country with a "fairies at the bottom of the garden" believing population. It is just not logical, not rational, not possible to believe. The nuts are in control. That explains much. The nuts are in control.

So back to the current world, CNN is not going to print trump propaganda without getting paid to print it.    https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/5/2/15518860/trump-campaign-cnn-censorship  ... well they recognize it as propaganda, when it its trump boasting what he has accomplished, but nothing has happened yet beyond presidential declarations.   

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