Once again, the real problem is skipped over for the easy part. Knowing and getting ourselves to do it it are two separate issues. Some things we know, yet are unable to get our bodies to do. That is the real problem. It is like all those religious who get comfort and fulfillment from religion, yet know that there is no evidence of a god. It appears to me that feelings like fulfillment are just feelings induce by the brain which keeps it's self busy creating our own little imaginary world, and all that speculation, imagination, time using mental exercises creates the mental chemicals, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, whatever, that provides us with those feelings, but stops short of motivation to action.
Buy low, sell high advice is what so much of this is. Eat less, move more advice, is similarly useless. It is a motivation problem, motivation is driven by desire, and desire is what make us uncomfortable enough to do. Stoicism and Buddhism both have suppression of desires as one of there objective, but both need to be cautioned with a selection system of which desires to suppress, yet neither have this system in place, nor discuss the selection process.
is the start of one more comparison of the two, yet there is no suggestion of this external issue that is much more important, yet few take on, and that is the conversion of philosophy into action, which is the major problem in modern society. It is paralyzation by too many choices, or lack of motivation.
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