Friday, August 24, 2018

Supply Management vs US Farm Welfare

Supply Management vs US Farm Welfare

Max has an idea. Do away with our supply management system for dairy. That means that we, the people, would need to buy up the quotas, which currently are an asset of the farms. and put some 18000 farms and farm families on welfare. 

The current milk price in Canada is C$0.76 per liter, up to the quota amount and in the US C$0.43 plus Farm Aid Package. Produce as much as you like, if you can sell it in the US. A Canadian farmer will be making less than minimum wage in direct wages, forget about all the overtime, and seven days each and every week. 

Canada allows milk import, up to a limit to make up seasonal shortfalls on the spot market, and anything more, it taxes/tariffs at 270%. This allows the Canadian milk farmers to survive. If Max has his way, those farms will not survive, and all milk will be imported. 

The first Trudeau rammed French and immigrants on us, the second immigrants and Indians.  

Indians are more of a risk to the next generation than Muslims, but these may actually be less than global warming.  But the Indians will try something like South African land redistribution after they gain control. Once the Muslims become a majority, they will do as the Quran says, and stop being tolerant of other religions. The Muslim Religion, Islam, and the Quran is a true evil of this world in so many ways.

Global warming is the secondary effect of rising carbon dioxide, along with the methane released by warming of the arctic waters. The arctic sea ice is now essential seasonal after this year.

From the Arctic News: The picture I wanted to include will not scale here. It is the one showing the much lower albedo of water compared to ice, that is reflection of 6% of solar energy, compared to 90% for snow.

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