Monday, August 13, 2018


As an alien, is it a human characteristic to do as Islam suggests in being tolerant publicly while you are a minority, but when you are the majority being highly intolerant of others? ... To force a uniform culture/society/behavior. Well, some days nothing makes any sense, so when I think I am an alien, the humans are just a life form to study. They think one in private and within peer groups, yet publicly do something different. Oh well. 

So is there a difference between private and public tolerance? For me there certainly is. I would never allow myself to become close to a Muslim, Indian, black, gay, alcoholic, drug user, etc. But then the Stoic concept of practicing death (negative visualization, or Epictetus Enchirion 7, 11)  of those around me keeps me from becoming to attached to most, if not all. Where the others do not impact me, I do not care as long as they do not try to force themselves or their concepts onto me. Perverts, and others need to keep away from me, else.

Victoria took down Sir John A MacDonald statue for fear of upsetting the natives, but intimidation will not make the natives popular. Under Trudeau, there may be a effort at reconciliation, but it is the native that will need to reconcile themselves to Canada as she exists today. Soon Canada will not be able to bribe the Natives, she will be broke, and there will be a tax revolt.

Trudeau is losing popularity within the white community... Do we have control... 2019 election may change things...

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