Sunday, April 10, 2011

Alberta ABC Building Code Schedules

Ultimately, the Alberta ABC Building Code Schedules require a geotechnical engineer to make the statement that the project has been designed and constructed in accordance with the Alberta Building Code, the Geotechnical Investigation, and good engineering practices. In addition, there may be a requirement to agree with the recommendations of the geotechnical report, at least to not disagree with the report.

We will not tolerate the owner, structural engineer, or contractor withholding information required to verify that design complies with the Alberta Building Code, and provide ABC schedules. The Alberta Building code requires that all designs be conducted by ULS and checked with SLS, and the more conservative solution be adopted.

To this end we require the actual pile loads, live and dead, a site plan to verify the building is at the same location and elevation as the geotechnical investigation, and also the geotechnical investigation must generally comply with the Canadian Foundation Engineering Manual as good engineering practices.  

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