The modern meaning of dog whistle:
- a high-pitched whistle used to train dogs, typically having a sound inaudible to humans.
- a subtly aimed political message which is intended for, and can only be understood by, a particular group.
"dog-whistle issues such as immigration and crime"
So what am I on about? US politics, the Trump used this to call in the Russian to find Hillery's emails. So the Trump does not realize that there were and are people who listen to what he says, and try to help. We see the same in Canada and Trudeau's efforts to pacify the Indians.
Who is doing our thinking for us? Are we allowing ourselves to be fooled by fast talking peoples who have their best interests at their heart. Are they out to fleece the taxpayer? When we see the oil line purchase, yes. The Oil Line guys say this is a bad investment, Heavy Alberta Crude is just not bringing the dollars. There is no money to be made with this line, if we do get it built. And Trudeau buys the line, and we taxpayers will pay. It might eventually make money or not, but we are on the hook for the cost now. We are being fleeced. So do we respect Trudeau? Should we believe Trudeau?
Should we care what he says?
The earth is overpopulated, if we use Co2 as a guide. So why are we letting more people into Canada? Are we letting the Liberalism drive our thinking to non-rational places? Is the Liberal ideology beyond reality, beyond what is practical?
Who is doing our thinking for us? And who is responsible if they are wrong?
When we see the light on a topic, concept, and know that we are right, we must persist. It is easy to see this on the internet. Some will insist that black is white, and refuse all argument, all discussion, all evidence, just like the religious insist that gods are real, or insist that their god is real. Religions are the original coping mechanisms, systematized as a group delusion. It is pointless, unless to clarify your own thinking about a subject. All we can do is clarify our own thinking and arguments. It is futile to think we can change others much. We may occasionally, but it is the exception.