Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sisyphus, Roll That Boulder
Different hill, different boulder, and still we must envision Sisyphus happy, enjoying the returns of his efforts.

There has been much in the news of Jordan Peterson and his new book and philosophy. He is very articulate but shoot your mouth off, expect flack, ignore flack, as a philosophy... well that is my impression of the Youtube stuff I have seen.

I tried to read his book, but anyone who thinks the bible is literally true, and uses it as an example on the first page of his book does not get me to go beyond there. The bible is story or myths, fairy tails of old, and similar. There may be some truths and fact in it, but even a stopped clock is right twice a day. I have, within my control, the ability to suspend assent and rejection, or hold in abeyance, any proposition.  The bible cannot be considered as historically accurate, for there is enough errors in it that bullshit is bullshit applies.

Any time anyone says anything on the internet, we can expect flack. True. Likely. So keep your negativity to yourself or I will just turn comments off, not just delete them with my bow fingers.

No one is teaching morality anymore. Religion always did a poor job, families likewise, schools not much, so likely all the young get is a bit of incidental learning, social learning. The underlying reasons, causes, benefits, advantages are just not taught. The more I read about ethics, the more I realize that morality has logical foundations, and we drift off the proper course when we do not return to the foundation from time to time. We may need to check to see it we are still over a foundation when we run into difficulties. In order to do this, we need to understand all the foundations.

One of those foundations is culture/religion, so two separate groups cannot be expected to get along in any one geographic region. Getting rid of religion and understanding the "social rules" can reduce conflict. So here is one: shoot your mouth off and take a chance on offending others, or reserve comments and perhaps avoid offense, that is the question. Always speak the truth seems the way to go, but then we say there is no evidence of any supernaturals, and we can give offense to the religious, if they realize their god is a supernatural. Oh well, in the end we all just die off anyway.     


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Existentialism Defined

Copied from someplace: 

Existentialism is a movement in philosophy and literature that emphasizes individual existence, freedom and choice. It began in the mid-to-late 19th Century, but reached its peak in mid-20th Century France. It is based on the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite existing in an irrational universe. It focuses on the question of human existence, and the feeling that there is no purpose or explanation at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this nothingness (and hence to find meaning in life) is by embracing existence.
Thus, Existentialism believes that individuals are entirely free and must take personal responsibility for themselves (although with this responsibility comes angst, a profound anguish or dread), and emphasizes action, freedom and decision as fundamental in rising above the essentially absurd condition of humanity (which is characterized by suffering and inevitable death).

Turkeys can not fly with the eagles.  Sad fact, many of us are born turkeys. There is no evidence that the turkeys and eagles are the same species. We turkeys should be happy as turkeys, and not try to be eagles. Do the eagles become phoenix's when they fly into the sun?

But existential philosophy is so much more, and fits a magpie philosophy of life. It is based on the assumption that our most valuable asset is life, and we are individuals who make our own decisions. Can anyone rationally dispute that?

Existentialism leads to a form of ethics and a form of moral behavior, both derived rationally from the foundation of our life being the most valuable thing to we individual people, and with little more beyond derived virtues, we arrive at a set of ethics that rival Buddhism, the Stoics, the Veda, and surpass christian and muslim dictates. There is no need for faith and religion, no need for a god concept, no need for all those dubious beliefs. Life is good.   


Wednesday, May 2, 2018



Do they not realize that a cross is the symbol of oppression to all non-christians?

Rebellion can go two ways: open hostility or recognition that they are just ignorant, and we ignore their fixed and wrong concepts, and carry on leaving them in blissful ignorance.

Perhaps it is time to start painting big red A's on public doorways, or some such public protests.